暑假到了!海學文化特別為您邀請到教學經驗豐富的 Sarah 老師,與您分享教學技巧與交流。我們也準備了下午茶,誠摯地邀請您與我們共度美好的夏日午後!
Date: 7/22 (Friday)
Time: 14:00~15:00
Presenter: Sarah Yin
Venue: Hi Language Conference Room
Enhance Communicative Competence through Blending Learning
In order to help learners communicate effectively and improve their fluency, they need to learn how to keep their conversations going in English, be a good listener, and ask for help and more.
Blended Learning is a combination of multiple approaches, we, teachers, can implement to create a rich and meaningful environment for our students in their learning.
It can be accomplished through the use of 'blended' virtual and physical resources. A typical example of this would be a combination of technology-based materials and face-to-face sessions used together to deliver instruction. This workshop will explore blending learning through iZone, a well-designed and integrated course.
About Presenter
Sarah Yin has been teaching English to young learners and adults since 1989 and has been involved in teacher training by conducting workshops, presentations and doing editorial work for the past 15 years. She has taught at Alethesia University for 7 years. Currently, she has been teaching and running adult teacher training courses at International Language Institute (ILI), Continuing Education Center of Chinese Culture University, Zhong Xiao Center.
Sarah Yin has been teaching English to young learners and adults since 1989 and has been involved in teacher training by conducting workshops, presentations and doing editorial work for the past 15 years. She has taught at Alethesia University for 7 years. Currently, she has been teaching and running adult teacher training courses at International Language Institute (ILI), Continuing Education Center of Chinese Culture University, Zhong Xiao Center.
Please be advised that, for each workshop, our maximum number of participants is 12.
Dessert and beverage will be served.
Workshop Location:
No. 1, Ln. 34. Sec. 1, Xinhai Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan
台北市辛亥路一段34巷1號 (捷運台電大樓站 2 號出口)
報名說明 Registration
Please contact us at 02-2365-7838
Monday through Friday, 8:30AM-5:30 PM.