2012年3月7日 星期三
2011年11月30日 星期三
<最新活動訊息> 12月份講座活動訊息
2011年10月21日 星期五
<最新活動訊息> 11月份講座活動訊息
11月份海學文化特別在 ETA 國際英語研討會的前夕
Date: 11/10 (Thursday)
Time: 15:30~16:30
Presenter: Clyde Fowle
Venue: Hi Language Conference Room
ELT buzzwords Inside Out
Our Presenter
Clyde Fowle is Regional Consultant / Trainer for Macmillan Education, East Asia . He has over 20 years’ experience of teaching English, managing language programmes and teacher training in Asia . He holds an MA in TESOL from Sheffield Hallam University and has published several articles in the field of ELT.
This presentation will look at some current buzzwords in the field of ELT and attempt to explain them and give teachers practical ideas on how these concepts can be integrated into their classroom practice.
The buzzwords covered will include:
· Motivation
· Learner-centeredness
· Tasks
· Inductive learning
· Personalization
· Speaking & fluency
Definitions of the concepts will be taken from Scott Thornbury’s book The A-Z of ELT and practical classroom ideas for implementing the concepts will be drawn from New American Inside Out by Sue Kay and Vaughan Jones. Participants will leave the session with a clear idea of what these concepts mean and how they might apply them in their classrooms.
Please be advised that, for each workshop, our maximum number of participants is 12.
Dessert and beverage will be served.
Workshop Location:
No. 1, Ln. 34. Sec. 1, Xinhai Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan
台北市辛亥路一段34巷1號 (捷運台電大樓站 2 號出口)
<報名說明 >RegistrationPlease contact us at 02-2365-7838
Monday through Friday, 8:30AM-5:30 PM.
2011年8月8日 星期一
<最新活動訊息> 8月份講座活動訊息
Dear Teachers:
八月講座資訊又來囉!海學文化再次為您邀請到幽默風趣、教學經驗豐富的 Sarah 老師,與您分享教學技巧與交流。
Date: 8/19 (Friday)
Time: 14:00~15:00
Presenter: Sarah Yin
Venue: Hi Language Conference Room
How To Prepare Students for Successful Communication for Business and Socializing
Using accurate grammar and having wide range of vocabulary are not enough to meet the demand of what people need for work, socializing and travel. Appropriacy is another essential factor to effective communication. Knowing how to say, what to say and understanding different functional exponents in different situations should be addressed more frequently in our everyday teaching. The workshop will be looking at how traditional grammar-based curriculum is integrated with skill lessons, tasks and functional language exponents.
About Presenter
Sarah Yin has been teaching English to young learners and adults since 1989 and has been involved in teacher training by conducting workshops, presentations and doing editorial work for the past 15 years. She has taught at Alethesia University for 7 years. Currently, she has been teaching and running adult teacher training courses at International Language Institute (ILI), Continuing Education Center of Chinese Culture University, Zhong Xiao Center.
Please be advised that, for each workshop, our maximum number of participants is 12.
Dessert and beverage will be served.
Workshop Location:
No. 1, Ln. 34. Sec. 1, Xinhai Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan
台北市辛亥路一段34巷1號 (捷運台電大樓站 2 號出口)
<報名說明 >Registration
Please contact us at 02-2365-7838
Monday through Friday, 8:30AM-5:30 PM.
八月講座資訊又來囉!海學文化再次為您邀請到幽默風趣、教學經驗豐富的 Sarah 老師,與您分享教學技巧與交流。
Date: 8/19 (Friday)
Time: 14:00~15:00
Presenter: Sarah Yin
Venue: Hi Language Conference Room
How To Prepare Students for Successful Communication for Business and Socializing
Using accurate grammar and having wide range of vocabulary are not enough to meet the demand of what people need for work, socializing and travel. Appropriacy is another essential factor to effective communication. Knowing how to say, what to say and understanding different functional exponents in different situations should be addressed more frequently in our everyday teaching. The workshop will be looking at how traditional grammar-based curriculum is integrated with skill lessons, tasks and functional language exponents.
About Presenter
Sarah Yin has been teaching English to young learners and adults since 1989 and has been involved in teacher training by conducting workshops, presentations and doing editorial work for the past 15 years. She has taught at Alethesia University for 7 years. Currently, she has been teaching and running adult teacher training courses at International Language Institute (ILI), Continuing Education Center of Chinese Culture University, Zhong Xiao Center.
Please be advised that, for each workshop, our maximum number of participants is 12.
Dessert and beverage will be served.
Workshop Location:
No. 1, Ln. 34. Sec. 1, Xinhai Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan
台北市辛亥路一段34巷1號 (捷運台電大樓站 2 號出口)
<報名說明 >Registration
Please contact us at 02-2365-7838
Monday through Friday, 8:30AM-5:30 PM.
2011年7月12日 星期二
<最新活動訊息 > 七月份講座活動訊息
Dear Teachers:
暑假到了!海學文化特別為您邀請到教學經驗豐富的 Sarah 老師,與您分享教學技巧與交流。我們也準備了下午茶,誠摯地邀請您與我們共度美好的夏日午後!
Date: 7/22 (Friday)
Time: 14:00~15:00
Presenter: Sarah Yin
Venue: Hi Language Conference Room
Enhance Communicative Competence through Blending Learning
In order to help learners communicate effectively and improve their fluency, they need to learn how to keep their conversations going in English, be a good listener, and ask for help and more.
Blended Learning is a combination of multiple approaches, we, teachers, can implement to create a rich and meaningful environment for our students in their learning.
It can be accomplished through the use of 'blended' virtual and physical resources. A typical example of this would be a combination of technology-based materials and face-to-face sessions used together to deliver instruction. This workshop will explore blending learning through iZone, a well-designed and integrated course.
Please be advised that, for each workshop, our maximum number of participants is 12.
Dessert and beverage will be served.
Workshop Location:
No. 1, Ln. 34. Sec. 1, Xinhai Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan
台北市辛亥路一段34巷1號 (捷運台電大樓站 2 號出口)
報名說明 Registration
Please contact us at 02-2365-7838
Monday through Friday, 8:30AM-5:30 PM.
暑假到了!海學文化特別為您邀請到教學經驗豐富的 Sarah 老師,與您分享教學技巧與交流。我們也準備了下午茶,誠摯地邀請您與我們共度美好的夏日午後!
Date: 7/22 (Friday)
Time: 14:00~15:00
Presenter: Sarah Yin
Venue: Hi Language Conference Room
Enhance Communicative Competence through Blending Learning
In order to help learners communicate effectively and improve their fluency, they need to learn how to keep their conversations going in English, be a good listener, and ask for help and more.
Blended Learning is a combination of multiple approaches, we, teachers, can implement to create a rich and meaningful environment for our students in their learning.
It can be accomplished through the use of 'blended' virtual and physical resources. A typical example of this would be a combination of technology-based materials and face-to-face sessions used together to deliver instruction. This workshop will explore blending learning through iZone, a well-designed and integrated course.
About Presenter
Sarah Yin has been teaching English to young learners and adults since 1989 and has been involved in teacher training by conducting workshops, presentations and doing editorial work for the past 15 years. She has taught at Alethesia University for 7 years. Currently, she has been teaching and running adult teacher training courses at International Language Institute (ILI), Continuing Education Center of Chinese Culture University, Zhong Xiao Center.
Sarah Yin has been teaching English to young learners and adults since 1989 and has been involved in teacher training by conducting workshops, presentations and doing editorial work for the past 15 years. She has taught at Alethesia University for 7 years. Currently, she has been teaching and running adult teacher training courses at International Language Institute (ILI), Continuing Education Center of Chinese Culture University, Zhong Xiao Center.
Please be advised that, for each workshop, our maximum number of participants is 12.
Dessert and beverage will be served.
Workshop Location:
No. 1, Ln. 34. Sec. 1, Xinhai Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan
台北市辛亥路一段34巷1號 (捷運台電大樓站 2 號出口)
報名說明 Registration
Please contact us at 02-2365-7838
Monday through Friday, 8:30AM-5:30 PM.
2011年6月27日 星期一
Practical Grammar 實用英文文法 (中英雙解)
《Practical Grammar 實用英文文法》系列是第一套將文法學習活用於日常生活情境的英文文法書。透過實用的情境式學習,文法不再只是冷冰冰的公式,學習者可以立即運用課本的範例,活用於日常生活上。此文法書可用來自修或是課堂上使用,適合初學者、國高中(職)、大專院校,以及在職人士使用。
《Practical Grammar 實用英文文法》系列是第一套將文法學習活用於日常生活情境的英文文法書。透過實用的情境式學習,文法不再只是冷冰冰的公式,學習者可以立即運用課本的範例,活用於日常生活上。此文法書可用來自修或是課堂上使用,適合初學者、國高中(職)、大專院校,以及在職人士使用。
- 每一冊有100 個單元,每五個單元形成一個群組,每個群組討論特定的文法。
- 每一單元以日常對話或情境短文為開頭,呈現單元文法重點。
- 學習者可先研讀文法的形式、意義及用法,然後在多元的練習中複習已學到的文法要點。
- 書後附有MP3,不僅能加強學習者發音的準確性,同時更能增進其聽力技巧。
- 語言與情境自然真實:學習者可以看到文法的實際運用。
- 聽力與發音:書後 MP3 可以幫助學習者做聽力及發音的訓練。
- 主要詞彙:每一個單元都提供常用的字詞語彙,以增進學習者詞彙庫。
- 用法提示:提醒學習者注意英文文法特點及常見錯誤。
- 進階成就測驗:學習者可藉此測驗練習檢視對文法的理解。
- CEF(歐洲語言能力參考指標):A1–A2。
- GEPT(全民英檢):初級–初中級。
- Cambridge ESOL Exams(劍橋大學英語能力檢測):KET。
- Answer key
- MP 3
2011年5月18日 星期三
2011年 〈最佳聽力技巧訓練〉新書報到
- 全系列共三冊。
- Language Focus:針對特定較難聽懂的英文做訓練,如:分別英文Wh-問句、聽懂數字、時間、縮寫意思、分辨同音異義字、辨別加重音和語調等等。
- Comprehension Focus:詳解聽力技巧,提升解題能力:訓練內容包括:如何掌握主旨、聽懂細節描述、做推論判斷等技巧。
- 第二冊開始加入「Note-taking Skill」:教學生運用縮寫、符號等技巧記下重要單字和訊息。
- Listening for Pleasure:提供有趣多元的聽力練習,例如:電影或電視片段、廣播節目、錄音故事等,適合課程或課後加強。
- 彈性課程教學規劃,不需要制式的從第一課開始進行。老師可為不同班級自由規劃適合教學計畫。
- Student book with audio CD
- Teacher’s Pack
- 很適合用來當作各種考試聽力測驗的訓練教材。
- 內容還加入重點單字練習,很貼心。
- 語調與重音是學生最弱的部分,課程設計有很多這類的練習,加強學生對英文聲調的敏感度,可以幫助辨別句子的真正意思。
- 很有效率訓練聽力技巧的教材。
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